WASBO thanks our official Board photo sponsor Lifetouch!

WASBO Board of Directors

The WASBO Board of Directors consists of 13 members:

  • President (1-year term)
  • President Elect (1-year term, then moves through the seats of President and Past President)
  • Past President (1-year term)
  • Treasurer (3-year term)
  • 9 Directors (3-year terms)

Two Director positions are elected annually. One Director position is appointed annually by the WASBO President. Every third year, this appointed position is reserved for a Service Affiliate Member.

The Treasurer, President-Elect, President and Past President make up the Leadership Team.

Board Responsibilities

We look to our Board members to be engaged in WASBO and our Vision and Mission. To this end, we expect that Board Members:

  1. Be informed on WASBO issues to represent the total membership and speak on behalf of the association. The Board’s responsibility is to: 
    1. Set WASBO’s direction by engaging in strategic thinking and planning, set the organizations’ vision and mission, establish organizational values/belief statements, provide input and approve operational and/or annual plans/SMART Goals
    2. Ensure necessary resources by hiring capable executive leadership, ensure adequate financial resources/approve budgets, promote positive public image and ensure the presence of a capable and responsible Board
    3. Provide oversight in financial management, minimize exposure to risk, measure progress on strategic plan, monitor programs, services and SMART Goals, provide legal and moral oversight, evaluate the Executive Director and Board
  2. Attend board meetings, prepared to participate in discussions and decisions after carefully studying the agenda and related information. The Board currently meets 5 times each year in September, December, February, April and June.
  3. Volunteer as a committee and regional liaison, member of special committees, and/or other work assignments.
  4. Be familiar with the WASBO Constitution and WASBO Policies and Procedures. New board members should study the minutes of the past year’s meetings for awareness of recent board actions.
  5. Write articles for publication in Taking Care of Business or WASBO Focus.
  6. Be actively involved and regularly attend the meetings of your own regional chapter. Each director is assigned as a liaison to at least one standing committee.
  7. Promote WASBO and ASBO International, especially to non-members. When possible, board members are encouraged to retain membership in ASBO International and attend the annual ASBO Conference.
  8. Attend and actively participate in WASBO professional development events. Encourage members of your regional chapter to attend WASBO events, including the annual conference. Visit WASBO conference exhibits and encourage vendor participation.

WASBO Coherent Governance

Interested in serving on the WASBO Board of Directors? Contact the Nominating Committee to learn more.