
Target your advertising budget at the people who have the direct responsibility for purchasing goods and services in Wisconsin school districts – School Business Officials. They are responsible for ordering supplies and equipment, directing financial services, and managing the maintenance, transportation, food service, management information systems, technology and other activities on the business side of school operations. WASBO is now offering a 20% multi-publication discount. Take advantage today! Send any questions or ad contracts to [email protected]!


Taking Care of Business Publication

By advertising in WASBO's quarterly Taking Care of Business publication, you can reach almost every WASBO member who is reading articles from experts in the field. Past issues of Taking Care of Business are also archived on WASBO's website for additional exposure.

Advertising is available in full color as well as a range of sizes to fit any marketing budget. Discounts are also available when advertising in four consecutive issues. Advertising contracts run on the WASBO fiscal year of July 1 - June 30.

For more information contact Ryan Silvola at (608) 249-8588 or [email protected].

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WASBO Focus e-Newsletter

By advertising in WASBO's monthly WASBO Focus e-newsletter, you can reach over 1,400 WASBO members who are reading the latest and most vital news about their organization. Past issues of WASBO Focus are also archived on WASBO's website for additional exposure.

Advertising is in full color and is clickable so that your ad takes WASBO Members directly to your website. Discounts are also available when advertising in multiple issues. Advertising contracts run on the WASBO fiscal year of July 1 - June 30.

For more information contact Ryan Silvola at (608) 249-8588 or [email protected].

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Wisconsin Education News Daily & Weekly Email Blast

By advertising in WASBO's daily Wisconsin Education News daily email blast, you can reach over 1,400 WASBO members daily who are reading the latest news from the state. This is WASBO's most opened and clicked on email blast. 

Advertising is in full color and is clickable so that your ad takes WASBO Members directly to your website. Discounts are also available when advertising for multiple weeks. Advertising contracts run on the WASBO fiscal year of July 1 - June 30.

For more information contact Ryan Silvola at (608) 249-8588 or [email protected].

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WASBO GO App Advertising

WASBO GO is the organization's new association app and has all of WASBO's resources. By advertising on WASBO GO, your message will reaching a wide audience of decision-makers across the state. Download the app today by searching "WASBO GO" on your phone's App Store or Google Playstore.

Advertising is in full color and is clickable so that your ad takes WASBO Members directly to your website. Discounts are also available when advertising for multiple weeks. Advertising contracts run on the WASBO fiscal year of July 1 - June 30.

For more information contact Ryan Silvola at (608) 249-8588 or [email protected].

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